Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) Algorithms
2) Authentication
3) Calendar
4) Chart
5) Class
6) Code Snippets
7) Components
8) Content Management
9) Cookie Session
10) Data Type
11) Date Time
12) Design Patterns
13) Development
14) DNS
15) Email
16) File Directory
17) Form
18) Functions
19) Graphics
20) HTML
21) Language Basics
22) Login Authentication
23) Math
24) MySQL Database
25) Network
26) Operator
27) PDF
28) Reflection
29) Searching
30) Site Navigation
31) Statement
32) Statistics and Counters
33) Strings
34) User Management
35) Web Services SOAP WSDL
36) XML
1) $_FILE Elements
2) A function that builds an HTML select list from any mysql table
3) Authentication Over HTTP
4) Automatic generation of HTML code for a table. OO interface
5) Basic authentication prompt
6) Beautifying HTML Using Tidy
7) Browser content
8) Browser Detection
9) Building a query string with http_build_query()
10) Calender in PHP
11) Changing the page type to CSV
12) Changing the page type to XML
13) Checking for magic quotes
14) Checking the values returned from the authentication prompt
15) Class form HTML build your HTML Forms from PHP
16) Combo-BOX - Abstraction With function you can retrieve the combo-box
17) Common File Format Content Types
18) Constantly refresh your PHP-HTML page data
19) Convert Directory of images to a PHP Class
20) Creating a html page on the fly
21) Creating an HTML table from array elements
22) Define function to change HTML text font
23) Determining client operating system and browser
24) Display of HTML using PHP code
25) Dynamic date insertion
26) Dynamic form field
27) Dynamic Generation of IMG Tags from an Array
28) Dynamic HTML tags
29) Dynamic PHP page creation
30) Encoding HTML entities in a string
31) Enforcing Basic authentication
32) Escape HTML char
33) Escaping HTML
34) Escaping HTML entities
35) Example
36) Extracting URLs Using Tidy
37) Fetching a URL with HTTP_Request
38) Fgetss
39) Forcing File Save As Downloads
40) Generating a Web-Safe Color Palette
41) Generating XML from an array
42) Get Browser and Platform
43) Get html translation table
44) Get the IP address of the current user
45) Get Users from users table
46) Get_html_translation_table
47) Get_html_translation_table() translates text to its HTML equivalent
48) Get_meta_tags() function searches an HTML file for what are known as META tags
49) Good and bad Location headers
50) Hardcoding the username and password into a script
51) Headers_sent( ) function returns true if your HTTP headers have been sent or false otherwise
52) have a multiple-select box that stays selected after submit
53) HTML color codes
54) HTML Table with random alternating colours, helps you see what you
55) HTML tag strip
56) Htmlentities php
57) Htmlentities() function converts all characters into their equivalent HTML entities
58) Htmlspecialchars php
59) Htmlspecialchars() function converts a select few characters in the context of HTML into their equivalent HTML entities
60) HTTP Authentication example
61) HTTP Authentication example forcing a new namepassword
63) If a User Is Not Logged in, the Login Form Is Loaded
64) If user logged in
65) Keeping selection from a drop down
66) Keys Created for a File When Uploaded
67) Language-Charset Negotiation
68) Listing Some Server Variables
69) Logged In with cookie
70) Mime types
71) Only One Username and Password Is Valid
72) Output a HTML table
73) Output Control
74) Output image tag
75) Output image tag with global path value
76) Parse a HTML-document for a certain tag and display its content and attributes
77) Parse http link from string
78) Passing Tidy Options at Runtime
79) Php and HTML Code Cohabitation
80) PHP Tester - Lets you test php code from a browser
81) PHP4 HTTP Compression Speeds up the Web
82) Popup Menu 0.5, popup, select, html, state-maintaing
83) Random quote generator using MySQL and PHP
84) Reading Queued Headers
85) Redirect header
86) Redirecting with query string variables
87) Reducing Bandwidth Usage Using Tidy
88) Replacing FONT Tags with CSS
89) Reporting the User Agent and Referrer
90) Retrieving a Document from Tidy
91) Retrieving an Entrance Node in Tidy
92) Sending an XML response
93) Sending Content Types Other Than HTML
94) Separate the city and state name in the array so we can total by state
95) Setting a Cookie Using the header() Function
96) Setting character encoding
97) Simple credentials checking
98) Simple Generic Radio Buttons Function
99) String html_entity_decode ( string html [, int options [, string charset]] ) converts an &-escaped string into its original format.tx
100) String rawurldecode ( string str ) converts a %-escaped string into its original format, reversing the operation of rawurlencode( ).t
101) String rawurlencode ( string str ) converts non-alphabetic symbols into numerical equivalents preceded by a percent sign
102) Strip_tags
103) The Header
104) The Table and HTMLTable Classes
105) The Table Class
106) The Username and Password Are Retrieved for Both Apache and IIS
107) This PHP function creates dropdown select lists for time and date that you can
108) This small function is used to build a select menu with the values from
109) Ultimate Column Generator
110) Use database to store user name and password
111) Use for each to loop through an array and create a table
112) Use Php class to control the HTML page font
113) User management with database
114) Usernames and Passwords Are Checked Against Data in a Database
115) Usernames and Passwords Are Checked Against Data in a File
116) Using header() to Send Raw Headers
117) Using HTTP authentication with a PHP script
118) Using select multiple with php3
119) Using tidy_clean_repair()
120) UTF-8 HTML encoding
121) Welcome Page with HTTP_USER_AGENT
122) You can switch modes if you want